The second post in an hour due to boredom.
I no need to worry about not having minyak telon and appropriate herba for post-pregnancy treatment. He brought back home a bottle of minyak telon this morning, which i found amazing to be found here in aussie.

There could also be few herbals available and for the mother, so tak payah risau pasal sakit urat lagi. masalah berbengkung pon nampaknya akan selesai kerna corset beautiful premium yg dibeli sebelum kahwin amatlah bagus untuk ibu baru lepas bersalin. hihi
Plan nak bershopping barang baby pon cancle sbb encik suami pulang awal dan mahu menghabiskan masa bersama eceh:)))))))) so sy cuma menghabiskan masa memasak didapur, mengemop dan mencuci lantai dapur, membasuh baju dan membersihkan carpet.
Anyway, bnyk betul surat court lately. jahat betul dorang ni asyik nk korek duit ktorg yg takde duit. jgn harapla nak byr
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